This FAQ is a guide to the video game Anno 1602. The text was written for the original "International" version of Anno 1602. This excludes the expansion, "New Islands, New Adventures". In North America and Australia both the original game and expansion were released together under the name "1602 A.D." This guide is still useful for those playing 1602 A.D., even though it does not cover the expansion in detail.
- 1. Preface - Credits, author's note, and copyright/legal statement.
- 2. Introduction - Game information, patches, and expansions.
- 3. Gameplay - Common gameplay questions. Topics include Essential Concepts, Setup and Interface, Resources, Colony Buildings, Colony Development and Events, Trade and Diplomacy, Pirates and Natives, Ships, Combat, and Multiplayer.
- 4. Scenarios - Complete scenario walkthroughs for the original game. Topics include Tutorials, The End of a Long Trip, One Lone Settlement, The Search for Ore Deposits, Peaceful Reign, The Test (The Trial), Little Land, New Discoveries, Good Neigbors, Dark Clouds on the Horizon, Competition, The Monopoly, Cooperation, The Alliance, A Plague of Pirates, The Intruder, The Fortress, and NINA Campaigns and Scenarios.
- 5. Strategies - Topics include Colony Planning and Building, Industry Planning and Building, Colony Management, Trade and Diplomacy, Pirates and Natives, Military Units, and Military Tactics.
- 6. Cheating, Editing and Custom Scenarios - Cheat codes, trainers, custom scenarios, and maps.
- 7. Technical Issues - Solutions to common technical problems.
- 8. And Finally - Pet hates, game oddities, and signs you may be playing too much.
- Appendices - Topics include Building and Industry Data, Production Links, Population per Industry, Production Efficiency, Military Data, Final Score, AI Trade Prices, and Keyboard Shortcuts.
You may also be interested in my Anno 1503 FAQ/strategy guide. I currently have no plans to write about Anno 1701.