Some of these are in the manual, but not all (at least not in my manual), so here is a list. Those indicated ** may only work in later versions:
- Speed:
- F5 = Normal speed
- F6 = x2 speed
- F7 = x4 speed
- Shift + F8 = x8 speed
- Pause = Pause
- Esc = Unpause
- Menus:
- O = Options
- D = Diplomacy
- G = Save/Load
- B = Construction
- K = Combat
- I = Information
- F = Film and speech
- S = Ship list
- C = City list
- Map:
- F2 = Zoom detailed
- F3 = Zoom normal
- F4 = Zoom bird's eye
- Z = Rotate left
- X = Rotate right
- J = Jump to active object
- H = Jump between cities
- Space = Jump to location of last message
- Units:
- W = Surrender (ship)
- F8 = Select wounded units
- F9 = Select infantry
- F10 = Select musketeers
- F11 = Select cavalry
- F12 = Select artillery
- Crtl + 1-9 = Assign selected units to group
- 1-9 = Select assigned group
- M = Show unit ownership
- Multiplayer:
- Alt + 1 = Chat to red player
- Alt + 2 = Chat to blue player
- Alt + 3 = Chat to yellow player
- Alt + 4 = Chat to white player
- Alt + 5 = Chat to all players
- Debug:
- Shift + F = Framerate
- Shift + V = Version number
- Shift + ? = Show coordinates**