The first table, prepared by Charlie ( ), shows the productivity of industries. 'Combine' values are for 2 farms and 1 processing building, except for the Grain Combine, which is 4 farms, 2 Windmills, and a Bakery. The table is included here for the benefit of non-German speakers (like me). Min (minute) values are for one cycle - one cycle is about one minute on most machines.

Production Efficiency
Industry Operating Cost Production Production/min Growth/min Field Cost/t
Bakery 5 2 Flour = Food 3t 11.7
Butcher 5 2 Cattle = Food 2.4t 6.5
Cattle combine 15 2.3t 6.5
Cattle farm 5 3 Flds + Cow = Cattle 2.3t 2.7 ~19 Grass 2.2
Fisher's hut 5 3 Fields = Food 0.75t ~7.3 ~16.5 Water 6.7
Grain combine 35 3t 11.7
Grain farm 5 Grain field = Grain 3t 3.1 10 Grain 1.7
Hunter's lodge 5 Wild animal = Food 2t ? 2.5
Windmill 5 2 Grain = Flour 3t 5.1
Trade/Consumer Goods
Cocoa plantation 35 4 Cocoa Field = Cocoa 1.4t ~4.5 ~24 Cocoa 25
Cotton combine 70 3.1t 23**
Cotton plantation 25 Cotton = Wool 3.1t ~5 ~16-18 Cotton 8.1
Distillery 15 2 Sugarcane = Liquor 2.5t 27.8
Sheep combine 20 1.95t 10.3
Sheep farm 5 4 Flds + Sheep = Wool 1.95t ~4.6 ~38 Grass 2.6
Spice plantation 35 4 Spice Field = Spice 1.4t ~4.5 ~24 Spice 25
Sugarcane combine 65 2.3t 28.3
Sugar Plantation 25 2 Sugar Flds = Sugar 2.3t 5 ~23 Sugarcane 10.9
Taylor 10 Wool = Cloth 2t 27**
Tobacco combine 90 1.9t 47.4
Tobacco products 20 2 Tob = Tob Products 2.0t 46.8
Tobacco plantation 35 2 Tob Field = Tobacco 1.9t 5 ~20 Tobacco 18.4
Weaver's hut 10 2 Wool = Cloth 1.95t 10**
Weaving mill 20 2 Wool = Cloth 3.45t 22**
Winery 35 4 Vine Field = Liquor 1.15t 5.2 ~24 Vine 30.4
Ore Related
Cannon foundry 60 Wood + Iron = Cannon 1.15t 112
(Deep) Iron mine 60 Ore 1.4t 43
Forester's hut 5 Trees = Wood 2.8t 14 ~40 Trees 1.8
Gold mine 60 0.75t 80
Goldsmith 45 Gold = 2 Jewellery 1.25t 76
Gunsmith 45 0.5 Wood + Irn = Mukt 1.15t 98
Ore smelter 25 Wood + Ore = Iron 1.9t 58
Stonemason 5 2.9t 1.7
Swordsmith 30 Iron = Sword 1.15t 85
Toolmaker 25 Iron = 2 Tools 1.65t 44.3

** = Alternative values may apply, depending on whether Sheep farms or Cotton plantations are used.

Lord Khang cites the following yields from food production:

Lord Khang conducted a further test: "Test was run for 10 minutes at Quadruple speed after the packages had a chance to gear up. In each package a single marketplace was dedicated for final product haulage. In all cases this marketplace was placed directly next to the end producer for zero travel time:

Lord Khang also compares different methods of alcohol production directly: