On this page:

4.13.1 Objectives
4.13.2 Resources
4.13.3 Map
4.13.4 Strategy overview

4.13.1 Objectives

4.13.2 Resources

4.13.3 Map

Skip preformatted map

|| [A]      [B][C]       [D]||
||    [E]             [F]   ||
||[G]                       ||
||    [H]            [I] [J]||
||       [K] [L] [M]     [N]||
||                          ||
||           [O] [P]        ||
||   [Q]             [R]    ||
||        [S]               ||

4.13.4 Strategy overview

You start with all of the southern (Spice/Cocoa/Cotton) islands, and none of the northern (Tobacco/Liquor) islands. You also start with all the gold >:) . A few small northern islands are available to be colonized, but not enough to supply 2000 people. Your colonies are not well developed. In order for you to develop at all, you will need access to Liquor. In order for the other players to develop beyond Citizen level, they will need access to Spices, and later Cocoa and Gold. If you refuse to trade they are likely to try and take land from you. Although, a trade based outcome was probably envisaged in the scenario's design, I suspect it can be completed using almost any mix limited expansion, trade, and combat. Note the general lack of Ore on the map - consider buying it from Free Traders (start mining it first, to trigger Free Trader sales). Do not under-estimate the amount of space you will need for your population, both in terms of housing and facilities: As a minimum you will need 50 houses (more if some of your population remain as Merchants), plus almost every public building that can be built. You should be able to position all these houses around one set of public buildings. If you get offered a Palace in the later stage of the game, don't feel obligued to build it - it wastes a lot of space.