On this page:

4.9.1 Objectives
4.9.2 Resources
4.9.3 Map
4.9.4 Strategy overview
4.9.5 New concepts
4.9.6 I have enough money, goods and the right people, but the largest other island is stuck at 9xx inhabitants. What did I forget?
4.9.7 Does it matter which neighbour I help?

4.9.1 Objectives

4.9.2 Resources

4.9.3 Map

Skip preformatted map

||          [A]             ||
||        [B]               ||
||                [?C]      ||
||            [D]           ||
||            [E]  [F]      ||
||        [!G]         [?H] ||
||            [I]           ||
||                          ||
|| [?J]                     ||

4.9.4 Strategy overview

This is the first of several scenarios based around co-operation. These can be frustrating at first, because you can only have limited influence on meeting the objective - you cannot physically build another player's city for them. Several different strategies are possible. One can rely on trade to both build up your own colony, and support another neighbour. Alternatively, attack and destroy one or two of the other players, creating space for you and your remaining neighbour to expand. Consider building your main city on the island shown as "G" on the map, and building a second colony on the island shown "C" to supply some Liquor and Tobacco. During the initial phase of the game, you may also need to trade. There tends to be a lack of space to expand, and if you expand to occupy all the available islands, you may find the other players refuse to expand further. Consider only occupying two islands, and leaving the others for the AI players. You should stay on friendly terms with at least one neighbour. Help them develop by selling them what they need, and offering tributes to help them fund their city buildings.

4.9.5 New concepts

New in this scenario:

4.9.6 I have enough money, goods and the right people, but the largest other island is stuck at 9xx inhabitants. What did I forget?

Robitoby writes: "When this happens, the chosen AI has built his bathhouse and his church in a way that only a few houses are in the influence-area of both these buildings. Here only helps one thing: Load troops, go to his island and destroy his church (or his bath-house, I recommend the building that's closer to the shore and the city-boarders...) Once you destroyed it just load your troops back on ship and sail away, so you only destroy this single building. If he rebuilds at the same place: destroy it again. If he positions it better, then you pay a little tribute so he makes peace with you again and provide him all supplies he needs."

From the official FAQ: "It's important to make sure that the southernmost island is not settled, as otherwise the computer player does not have enough room to expand about and the mission cannot be completed. The yellow computer player must have at least three islands available for settlement."

4.9.7 Does it matter which neighbour I help?

From Eric Lorah: "Help the one who is already doing better than the other two. You can even conquer one or both of the ones that don't go beyond the 'settler' stage, because the one that you are helping might want the islands that they have. Eliminate the competition." Mircea adds: "I started trading with all neighbors and watch who become stronger."