This table shows the requirements to construct and operate buildings, what buildings produce, and what stock level of produced items they can hold. It is based on data found at , with a few changes and additions. Thanks to Mark Watson for alerting me to an earlier error. Operating costs are expressed as Active/Passive, except where both values are the same, where only one figure is given. Population requirements can be exceeded (for example, 100 Citizens will meet any requirement that states 100 Settlers; but 100 Pioneers will not meet this requirement) and the required population must be on at least one island (if you need 200 Citizens, 100 on one island and 100 on another is not sufficient).

Housing Requirements
Housing Type To Build Inhabitants Full requirements for next level
Wood Bricks Tools
Pioneers 3 1-2 Cloth, Chapel, Market place.
Settlers 3 1 2-6 Tobacco or Spices, Alcohol, Tavern, School.
Citizens 2 6 2 6-15 Cocoa, Church, Public baths.
Merchants 3 9 3 15-25 Jewellery, Clothes, College, Theatre.
Aristocrats 3 12 3 25-40
Building Requirements
Building To Build Operating Cost Stock Production
Population Requirement Wood Bricks Tools Price
Public Buildings
Arch of Triumph (Requires defeat of an opponent)
Cathedral 2500 Aristo 25 70 25 7500 90 (Religion)
Chapel 5 2 100 5 (Religion)
Church 150 Citizen 7 25 7 1600 50 (Religion)
College 250 Merchant 5 19 6 750 60 (Education)
Doctor 50 Citizens 4 9 4 450 30 (Health)
Fire dept. 15 Settlers 5 3 150 15 (Fire fighting)
Gallows 100 Citizen 2 1 100 20 (Crime)
Market place 10 4 200 10 10 (Sales and collection)
Monument 200 Citizen (Requires 30 minutes of satisfaction)
Ornament 250 Merchant 1 5
Palace 1500 Aristo 20 50 15 5000 40
Public bath 210 Citizen 5 19 6 1200 60 (Hygiene)
School 100 Settler 4 9 4 490 30 (Education)
Tavern 50 Settlers 4 6 3 250 15 (Leisure)
Theatre 300 Merchant 5 19 2 1200 80 (Leisure)
Farms (all farms require appropriate fields/resources in their service area)
Cattle farm 30 Pioneers 4 1 100 5/0 4 Cattle
Cocoa plantan. 200 Citizen 3 8 2 300 35/15 6 Cocoa
Cotton plantn. 200 Citizen 3 6 2 200 25/10 9 Wool
Forester lodge 2 50 5/0 10 Wood
Grain farm 75 Settlers 5 2 100 5/0 6 Grain
Hunter's lodge 2 2 50 5/0 3 Food
Sheep farm 4 2 200 5/0 8 Wool
Spice farm 75 Settlers 3 8 2 300 35/15 4 Spices
Sugarcane plt. 40 Settlers 3 8 2 300 25/10 6 Sugarcane
Tobacco plntn. 40 Settlers 3 8 2 300 35/15 6 Tobacco
Winery 40 Settlers 3 8 2 300 35/15 6 Liquor
Field (all) 5
Bakery 75 Settlers 6 2 150 5/0 4 2xFlour => Food
Butcher 30 Pioneers 4 10 3 150 5/0 4 2xCattle => Food
Cannon foundry 400 Citizen 5 15 6 750 60/25 4 Wood + Iron => Cannon
Goldsmith 250 Merchant 2 10 7 1500 45/20 4 2xGold => 4xJewellery
Gunsmith 400 Merchant 4 10 9 600 45/20 4 Wood + 2xIron => Muskets
Ore refinery 120 Settler 1 4 3 200 25/10 5 Wood + Iron ore => Iron
Rum distillery 40 Settlers 2 5 3 200 25/7 4 2xSugarcane => Liquor
Stonemason 15 Settlers 5 5 100 5/0 8 Bricks
Swordmaker 200 Settler 4 10 5 450 30/14 4 Iron => Swords
Tobacco prodn. 40 Settlers 2 5 3 200 20/10 4 2xTobacco => Tobacco Pdts
Tool smithy 100 Settler 2 5 3 150 25/10 4 Iron => 2xTools
Taylor 200 Citizen 6 2 3 150 10/5 4 Cloth => Clothes
Water mill*** 75 Settlers 6 3 100 5/0 6 2xGrain => Flour
Weaving hut 6 3 200 10/5 4 2xWool => Cloth
Weaving mill 75 Settlers 3 7 4 200 20/10 4 2xWool => Cloth
Windmill 75 Settlers 6 3 100 5/0 6 2xGrain => Flour
Deep iron mine 450 Citizen 30 7 15 1800 60/20 4 Ore
Gold mine 150 Citizen 20 5 10 1000 60/20 4 Gold
Iron mine 120 Settler 20 5 10 1000 60/20 4 Ore
Quarry 15 Settlers 2 6 150 0 (Used by Stonemason)
Water Related
Fisher's hut 5 3 100 5/0 4 Food
Large shipyard 500 Merchant 25 63 10 2800 150/30 (Ship building)
Pier 2 15 0
Small shipyard 120 Settler 12 3 8 1100 100/20 (Ship building)
Warehouse I 6 3 100 15 30 (Storage and collection)
Warehouse II 30 Settlers 7 3 180 15 50 (Storage and collection)
Warehouse III 100 Citizen 4 6 4 250 15 75 (Storage and collection)
Warehouse IV 250 Merchant 4 10 5 250 15 100 (Storage and collection)
Castle 200 Settler 3 10 4 600 55 (3 soldiers trained)
City gate 200 Settler 4 25
Fort 600 Aristoc 8 25 12 2500 130 (8 soldiers trained)
Gate 200 Settler 3 15
Large castle 400 Merchant 5 18 8 1300 90 (5 soldiers trained)
Palisade 30 Settlers 2 10
Wall 200 Settler 2 18
Watchtower 200 Settler 1 6 2 300 5 (Also requires 2 Cannon)
Wooden gate 30 Settlers 2 12
Wood watchtowe 200 Settler 7 2 200 5 (Also requires 2 Cannon)
Dirt road 5
Square I 200 Settler 1 5
Square II 250 Merchant 1 5
Square III 250 Merchant 1 5
Stone bridge 15 Settlers 2 15
Stone road 15 Settlers 1 5
Woodern bridge 2 10

Note: *** = NINA only.

The following table shows the size (in squares) and coverage/service area (square radius) of each building.

Building Size and Coverage
Building Coverage Size
Houses (all) 2x2
Public Buildings
Arch of Triumph 1x3
Cathedral 22 6x4
Chapel 8 2x1
Church 20 4x3
College 14 3x3
Doctor 16 2x2
Fire dept. 15 2x2
Gallows 16 1x1
Market place 15 4x3
Monument 1x1
Ornament 1x1
Palace 5x7
Public bath 19 4x3
School 12 2x2
Tavern 11-12 3x2
Theatre 19 3x3
Cattle farm 2 2x2
Cocoa plantan. 2 2x2
Cotton plantn. 2 2x2
Forester's hut 3 2x2
Grain farm 1 2x2
Hunter's lodge 8 1x1
Sheep farm 3 2x2
Spice planatn. 2 2x2
Sugarcane plt. 2 2x2
Tobacco plntn. 2 2x2
Winery 2 2x2
Bakery 15 2x2
Butcher 10 2x2
Cannon foundry 15 3x3
Goldsmith 12 2x2
Gunsmith 15 2x2
Ore refinery 10 2x2
Rum distillery 12 2x2
Stonemason 7 2x2
Swordsmith 15 2x2
Tobacco prodn. 12 2x2
Tool smithy 15 2x2
Taylor 15 2x2
Water mill*** 10? 2x2
Weaving hut 15 2x2
Weaving mill 15 2x2
Windmill 10 2x2
Water Related
Fisher's hut 6 1x1
Large shipyard 17 4x4
Small shipyard 13 3x3
Warehouse I 16/6 2x3
Warehouse II 16/6 2x3
Warehouse III 16/6 2x3
Warehouse IV 16/6 2x3
Castle 15 2x2
Fort 15 5x5
Large castle 15 3x3
Watchtower 8 1x1
Wood watchtowe 8 1x1

The final list in this appendix shows what new buildings can be constructed at different population levels (this repeats information contained in the first table):

Buildings by Population Level
Prerequisite New Building
None Warehouse I, House, Market place, Chapel, Dirt road, Wooden bridge, Dock, Fishers' hut, Forester's hut, Hunting lodge, Sheep farm, Weaving hut.
30 Pioneers Cattle farm, Butcher.
15 Settlers Fire department, Quarry, Stonemason, Cobblestone street, Stone bridge.
30 Settlers Warehouse II, Palisade, Wooden gate.
40 Settlers Winery, Sugarcane plantation, Distillery, Tobacco plantation, Tobacco products, Spice plantation.
50 Settlers Tavern.
75 Settlers Grain farm, Windmill, Bakery.
100 Settlers Tool maker, School.
120 Settlers Iron mine, Ore smelter, Small shipyard.
200 Settlers Sword smith, Castle, Wall, Gate, Watchtower, City gate, Wooden watchtower, Square I.
50 Citizens Doctor.
100 Citizens Warehouse III, Gallows.
150 Citizens Church, Gold mine.
200 Citizens Cotton plantation, Weaving mill, Tailor, Cocoa plantation.
210 Citizens Public bath.
250 Merchants College, Goldsmith, Square II, Square III, Ornamental tree, Warehouse IV.
300 Merchants Theatre, Cannon foundry.
400 Merchants Deep iron mine, Gunsmith, Large castle.
500 Merchants Large shipyard.
600 Aristocrats Fort.
1500 Aristocrats Palace.
2500 Aristocrats Cathedral.