These diagrams are based on chains found in the manual. I've re-arranged them slightly, to make links clearer, and added omissions such as ships and troops. Buildings in the chain are shown as straight text. Fields, materials and goods are shown in square brackets. Buildings or units shown in normal brackets indicate the product is also used to supply part of a different chain - the other part of the chain is shown elsewhere on the diagram. Curley brackets ("{}") indicate a ground unit trained at a fortress. Goods can be taken/stored via a Main Market or Warehouse at any stage in the chain, unless indicated with a tilde ("~"). *** Indicates materials are primarily stored for general construction work and house upgrading.
Alcohol Chains
[Sugarcane Field]~>Sugarcane Plantation->[Sugarcane]->Distillery-. | [Hop Field]~~~~~~>Hop Farm------>[Hops]------>Brewery---->-. v | | [Potatoe Field]~~~~~~~~~~~~~>Small Farm---->------------->-+-<---' | [Alcohol] | v Tavern
Brick Chain
[Mountain]~~>Quarry~~>Stonemason-->[Bricks]-->(Main Market)***
Cloth and Clothing Chain
[Cotton Field]~>Cotton Plantation->-. +->[Wool]->-+------------. [Grassland]~~~~~>Sheep Farm------->-' | | v v Weaver's Hut Weaving Mill | | '--->-+-<----' | v [Cloth] | v [White furred animals]~~>Trapper-->[Furs]--->-. .-<-+->Cloth/Leather Stand | | +->(Large Shipyard) | | '->(Small Shipyard) | | v v Tailor's Shop | v [Clothing] | v Clothing Stand
Trappers also skin Leopards.
Food Chains
[Grain Field]~>Grain farm->[Grain]->Mill->[Flour]->Bakery->-. | [Grassland]~>Cattle Farm->[Cattle]->Butcher's Shop-------->-+ | [Sea]~~~~~~~~>Fisherman's Hut-------->-. [Food] | | [Grassland]~~~~~~~~>Small Farm------->-+-->---[Food]----. | | | | [Wild Game]~~~~~~>Hunting Lodge------>-' v v Food/Salt Stand
Iron and Charcoal Chains
.~>Small Ore Mine->-. [Iron Ore Deposit]~>~+ +->[Iron Ore]->-. '~>Large Ore Mine->-' | v (Wood) (Wood)->Charcoal Burner->(Charcoal)->+->-------. .---<-+->-. | | | | | | v v v v v | Large Ore Small Ore | Smelter Smelter | | | | '->-+-<-----<-' | | | v | [Iron] | | v v (Cannon <----------+->(Armorer) Foundry) +->(Gunsmith) +->(Large Weapon Smith) +->(Small Weapon Smith) '->(Toolmaker)
Jewelry Chain
[Gold Deposit]~~>Gold Mine-->[Gold]->-. | [Gem Deposit]~>Gem Mine->[Gems]->-. | | | v v Goldsmith->[Jewelry]->Jewelry Stand
Lamp Oil Chain
(Wood) (Rope) | | v v Whaler Building->Whaler Ship->-. +->[Whale Blubber]->Whale Oil Factory->-. [Whales]~~~~>~' | v [Lamp Oil] | v Lamp Oil Stand
Leather Chain
[Wild Game]~>Hunting Lodge->[Hides]->Tannery->[Leather]->-+->(Armorer) | v Cloth/Leather Stand
Marble Chain
[Marble Deposit]~~>Marble Quarry~~>Marble Stonemason-->(Main Market)***
Medicinal Herb Chain
[Medicinal Herb Garden]~>Medicinal Herb Plantation->[Medicinal Herbs]->-. | v Doctor
Rope Chain
[Hemp Field]~>Hemp Plantation->[Hemp]->Ropemaker->[Rope] | v +->(Bow Maker) +->(Large Shipyard) +->(Small Shipyard) +->(War Machine Maker) '->(Whaler)
Salt Chain
[Salt Deposit]~>Salt Mine->[Rock Salt]->Salt Works->[Salt]->Food/Salt Stand
Ship Chain
.->Small Shipyard->+->{Small Trading Vessel} (Cloth)->. | +->{Medium Trading Vessel} | | +->{Small Warship} (Wood)-->+->+ +->{Medium Warship} | | '->(Ship Repairs) (Rope)-->' | '->Large Shipyard->+->{Small Trading Vessel} +->{Medium Trading Vessel} +->{Large Trading Vessel} +->{Small Warship} +->{Medium Warship} +->{Large Warship} '->(Ship Repairs)
Silk Cloth Chain
[Indigo Field]~>Indigo Plantation->[Dyes]->-. | [Silk Field]~>Silk Plantation->[Silk]->-. | | | v v Dye Works->[Silk Cloth]->Clothing Stand
Spice Chain
[Spice Field]~~>Spice Plantation-->[Spices]-->Tobacco/Spice Stand
Tobacco Chain
[Tobacco Field]~>Tobacco Plantation->[Tobacco]->Tobacco Factory->-. | v [Tobacco Products] | v Tobacco/Spice Stand
Tools Chain
(Wood)->-. +->Toolmaker->[Tools]->+->(Main Market)*** (Iron)->-' '->{Scout}
Weapons Chains
(Tools)-->{Scout} (Leather)->Armorer------------>[Armor]--------------->-+-->{Swordsman} ^ | ^ | v | .->+->Small Weapons Smithy->[Swords]---->-+->]|[->-' | | | | v '-->-+->--. ^ | | v | .->[Axes]-->]|[->--->]|[->{Cavalryman} (Iron)-->+----->Large Weapons Smithy->+ | v | ^ '->[Lances]-]|[->--->{Lancer} v | v | (Wood) .---->{Musketeer} | | .->[Muskets]----->+ | v | '->{Marksman} +->--->Gunsmith->+->[Ship Cannon] | '->Cannon Foundry->+->{Cannon} ^ | (Charcoal)->-' '->{Mortar} (Wood)-->-+->{Pikemam} | .->[Bow]->{Archer} +->-->Bow Maker->+ | ^ '->[Crossbow]->{Crossbowman} v | | (Rope) | | | v .->{Catapult} '---->War Machine Maker->+ '->{Siege Tower}
Wine Chain
[Vineyard]~~>Winery-->[Wine]-->Wine Stand
Wood Chain
[Forest]~>Forester's Hut->[Wood]->+->(Main Market)*** +->(Bow Maker) +->(Charcoal Burner) +->(Gunsmith) +->(Large Shipyard) +->(Large Weapon Smithy) +->{Pikeman} +->(Small Ore Smelter) +->(Small Shipyard) +->(Toolmaker) +->(War Machine Maker) '->(Whaler)